Surf Coaching

30 Minutes of Surf Movements and Techniques Warm Up (English only)

In English, With Rodrigo Machado

This video gathers only the English parts of Rodrigo Machado first 2 live video. It has been recorded through Rodrigo’s computer camera as a gesture of support for all those being in put in quarantine during the COVID outbreak. We just made quick cuts to put up all the English bits and making it easier for you to watch and enjoy, forgive us for the low res image.

The Power Surf techniques consist in a series of land based movements breaking down technical surf techniques to the ground. It also involves elements of Ginastica Natural and Yoga that help with the surfers’ body.

You will learn in this video:

  • Power Surf warm up
  • Key movements to start improving your surfing
  • How to coordinate upper and lower body when surfing

Feel free to let us some feedback below. More videos are coming soon. And don’t forget to keep the vibes high through these challenging times!

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Indo Surf Crew

Indo Surf Crew was first born in the year 2018 as a surf photo & video content creative project while the first surf coaching trip organised by Uriel & Rodrigo happened in 2019 on an island off Sumatra. Since then, they have been running surf coaching retreats for all levels and mostly specialise in surf coaching for intermediate to advanced surfers. Surfing Consciously is our motto. To us it means, bringing awareness to our body, thoughts and interactions – in and out of the water. We take pride in working with eco surf resorts that are acting responsibly in preserving Indonesia’s nature, supporting and educating local communities. Indo Surf Crew was founded by Uriel Jean Armel, a French surfer and film-maker who has taken roots in Indonesia. You can read more about Uriel here, on an interview with Magicseaweed & here during an interview with the Surfing copywriter. As for Rodrigo, he was the first surf coach to join Uriel in his adventure and he’s the founder of the Power Surf techniques – a method that is now practiced internationally to train surf athletes from all over. Power Surf is a land based practice that combines ginastica natural, yoga, capoeira and martial arts, breaking town the fundamental surf techniques through a series of exercises. It also involves video analysis a skate practice for optimal result, which we do during our surf coaching trips.

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